About University
National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine is a leading educational institution of the State Emergencies Service of Ukraine which has the highest - IV-th accreditation level of Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science. Nowadays our University is one of the most prestigious and oldest Fire and Rescue profile educational institutions not only in Ukraine but also in CIS countries. Today we provide all types of training on all educational levels for personnel of the State Emergencies Service of Ukraine, civil youth and foreign citizens. Research and teaching staff as well as students of the University are directly involved in extinguishing fires, emergencies, accidents and natural disasters, carry out preventive work among the population.
The National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine (further - NUCDU) has a glorious historical past and old traditions. History of the institution dates back to July 17, 1928, from the time when the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution on the establishment of Kharkov biennial permanent nationwide fire engineering courses. Later on, in the process of its formation and development, the name of the institution changed repeatedly. In 1930 the nationwide fire-technical courses were reorganized as Kharkiv Fire College of NKVD. In 1938, due to the militarization of fire brigades, which caused the need for training and retraining of specialists for a large number of local fire departments, Kharkiv fire NKVD USSR college was reorganized into advanced training courses for City Fire Department commanders of NKVD. In July 1941 Courses were reorganized into the 3rd, and in 1943 - the 4th Fire-technical school of USSR NKVD. Later on, on September 4, 1946, the 4th Fire-technical school of USSR NKVD was reorganized in Kharkiv Fire Technical School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (further – KFTS or HPTU (as a Russian acronym)) with a three-year period of tuition. From this moment a new phase of educational work development and improvement of fire-technical schools has began. The changes that occurred in the political and public life of the country have also shaped the school. Within the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs HPTU constantly introduced new learning and educational methods. Among all educational institutions of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs schools ranking has always been maintained at a sufficiently high level, its graduates worked in fire departments in almost all parts of the former Soviet Union. Command-teaching staff of HPTU has consistently made huge efforts to improve the educational process performance and economic activity, so therefore in the early 90s they enabled the school to come to a new level. Despite all of the changes of our school name, the only thing that has remained unchanged is a high quality of training highly qualified firemen and rescuers.
According to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decree № 258 dated April 27, in 1994 Kharkiv Fire and Technical College of MIA of Ukraine was reorganised into Kharkiv Institute of Fire Safety of Ukraine, and in June 2000 with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decree № 1024 dated 27 June 2000 the Institute obtained a high status of Academy.
According to the Decree of the President of Ukraine № 47 /2003 dated 27 January 2003 the Academy of Fire Safety of Ukraine was removed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and transferred to the structure of the Ministry of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe of Ukraine. According to the Decision of the Board of Ministry of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe of Ukraine dated March 5, 2003 number 1 Academy of Fire Safety of Ukraine has been acknowledged as a leading educational institution of the Ministry of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe of Ukraine.
Over the years, the school has produced more than 33 thousand highly qualified fire and rescue specialists. More than 900 people have completed school with honors. Due to their hard service and hard work our graduates are worthy of the glorious traditions of the native multiply alma mater. Graduates are well known not only in Ukraine but also far abroad. Many of them at different times led the Ministries of Emergencies of Ukraine and Belarus, fire garrisons within the Ministries of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and Russia as well as in different regions of the former USSR etc. Twenty-eight graduates were conferred the rank of generals, three got a high title of Hero of the Soviet Union for bravery and heroism during World War II, about 600 graduates awarded the medal " For courage on a fire " and MOE honors "For courage in an emergency ". Many students of our school for hard work, courage and bravery were awarded orders, medals and insignia of the President of Ukraine and awards in other countries. We are proud of our graduates who are well-known athletes, who once won gold medals at world championships and Olympic Games.
Over the years, the students and staff of the institution often involved in the suppression of large and complex fires in different parts of Ukraine. In October 1986, 10 volunteer cadets of HPTU led by their chief-officer took an active part in the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident.
The beginning of a new phase in the history of the institution was the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 14.01.2004, № 10-r to reorganize the Academy of Fire Safety of Ukraine into Academy of Civil Protection of Ukraine.