Specialized Scientific Councils
Since 1997 NUCPU has its own base for training highly qualified scientific personnel. According to the order № 715 from 12.03.97 year. Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine in our institution was established K64.707.01 Specialized Scientific Council on the protection of the thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty "21.06.02 Fire safety". Chairman of Special Scientific Council was appointed PhD, Professor Yuri O. Abramov in February 1998, in NUCPU took place the first defense of the thesis for the PhD degree (technical sciences), specialty "Fire Safety".
In May 2005, according to the order from the Supreme Attestation Commission of Ukraine № 22/10nt from 05.11.2005 at the University was opened Specialized Academic Council D64.707.01 for the Doctor of Sciences degree (technical sciences), specialty "21.06.02 Fire safety". Expanding our service problems caused empowerment specialized scientific council and empowerment to review and defense of dissertations for the Doctor of Sciences degree (technical sciences), specialty "21.02.03 Civil Protection". And in 2006, the University launched a specialized academic council K64.707.02 to protect theses for the PhD degree (psychological sciences), specialty "19.00.09 Psychology activities under special conditions (under orders from the Supreme Attestation Commission of Ukraine № 297 from 06.13.2006)". During functioning of specialized scientific councils at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine was successfully made about 60 Thesis Proposal Defenses, which shows the high level of scientific researches.
In 2014, at the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, according to the order No. 642 of May 26, 2014, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine established the specialized academic council D64.707.03 on defending dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Science in Public Administration in specialty 25.00.02 - mechanisms of public administration. The Chairman of the Dissertation Council was appointed Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor S.M. Dombrovska. According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from December 28, 2017 № 1714 "On approval of the decisions of the Attestation Board of the Ministry for the activities of specialized scientific councils of December 12, 2017" (Appendix 1 to the order), the powers of the thesis council D64.707.03 for a period of three years with the right to be accepted for consideration and defense of dissertations for the academic degree of a doctor (candidate) in public administration in specialties 25.00.02 "Mechanisms of public administration" and 25.00.05 "State administration in the field of national security and public order protection".
Specialized Academic Council D64.707.03
The chairman of academic council - Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor Dombrovska Svitlana Mykolaivna
Passport of specialty 25.00.02 - mechanisms of public administration
Passport of specialty 25.00.05 - state administration in the field of state security and public order protection
Specialized Scientific Council D64.707.01
Head - Doctor of Sciences (technical sciences), Full Professor Yuri O. Abramov
Passport specialty 21.06.02 Fire safety
Passport specialty 21.02.03 Civil Protection
Specialized Scientific Council K64.707.02
Head - Doctor of Sciences (biology), Full Professor Lina A. Perelygina
Passport specialty 19.00.09 Psychology activities under special conditions